
Can Physio help?

Unless you have previously been to a physiotherapist, you might not know what they do. Even then, you might have some questions. Essentially, they are an allied health care professional that promotes movement, helps to ease your pain, and restores function. After assessing your condition, they develop an individualised treatment plan that can help you during your treatments.


Physiotherapists understand how and why movement and function in the human body take place and can use this knowledge to help you recover from surgery, injury, or an accident. Helping people of all different ages, different lifestyles, and most complaints. Physiotherapy can be very helpful when your body is not functioning in a way that is normal for you.


They will talk to you about your symptoms and do a physical exam to understand your issue better, then work up a treatment plan for you. Robert and Jeff at Next Generation Physiotherapy also can look for the main cause of your complaint, never just help treat the symptom. And with both of them in every exam and treatment, they will have a much better understanding of what is going on and the way to treat it, to get you feeling better.

The first session is all about getting to know you and to put you at ease.

It is important that you understand what we as physiotherapists are doing and feel comfortable asking any questions you want to. In the first session, a full physical assessment will take place.


Depending on the presenting problem this may include tests on your strength, your range of motion, balance, and any restrictions you may have. Unique to NGP, while Jeff is performing this physical test, Robert will be watching and listening to everything, so nothing is missed.


In this first session, any reports or referrals will be reviewed and spoken about to you and a detailed history of your injury or concern will be taken. Once the assessment is done, together we will set realistic and achievable goals through a treatment plan.


Robert and Jeff will go through anything you may be doing throughout your day that may be adding to your problem and will discuss a better way to move forward. For example, if you are lifting at work, there may be a better way to lift, Jeff will show you.


During a session the physiotherapist may apply hands-on techniques like joint mobilisation, used for a stiff joint, soft tissue work, stretching, or massaging tight muscles. It will depend on what you as an individual need. They will more than likely set you a home routine of exercises that will increase your movement and decrease your pain. If needed they might send you for any medical tests that are needed to find the cause of your problem.

Physio shouldn't hurt, and it is safe.

However, because you'll use parts of your body that are injured or have chronic pain, physio can be challenging or difficult. For example, you may feel sore after stretching or a deep tissue massage. If you are sore after treatment, that is a sign that your muscles and body are being stressed but in a good way. It's how exercising works.


A muscle must be loaded to become stronger, there must be resistance otherwise the muscle fibres will never have the chance to grow. If there is an increase in pain in your presenting problem after your session, please contact us to discuss why. However, most pains and soreness’s that present after a session are normal and natural and indicate that the treatment is helping.

Physio can help relieve your pain.

As we establish what is causing your pain, we will explain to you what has caused your injury and how to avoid future pain and recurrence of the injury. However, pain is not your enemy. Pain is a mechanism in your body that restricts your movement and alerts us that there is a problem.


Physiotherapy may not be able to eliminate all pain-related problems, sometimes other medical intervention is necessary. However, in most cases, treatment can help to eliminate pain and help manage chronic diseases. Robert and Jeff will teach you steps to stay pain-free by altering movements and patterns that were originally causing you pain.


How long will it take depends on the extent of your injury and what is needed to treat it. An estimated time will be given to you when discussing the treatment plan. However, it is important to be aware that due to movement patterns having to change and strength and control regained, it is not a quick fix. Attendance to your appointment and consistently doing your home program will make your recovery quicker.

Home Physio can help you.

We work with you and make sure to incorporate your exercises into activities you can do every day. Being consistent with your treatment, including your exercises, will assist in a quicker recovery. We empower you by giving you the tools to help fix yourself.


You might not believe this, but we don’t want you to keep coming back. We have real joy in watching people recover and not be reliant on us or medication after their recovery. That is why we teach you the exercises you will need to get you to this stage.


They may very well be uncomfortable, and beyond your comfort zone, but that is us encouraging you to do what is needed. Please note: It is important that you do the home exercises that have been given to you. Please do not look up Dr. Google for alternatives to what we give you. What we have given you is specific to your problem after we did a detailed assessment.

A doctor’s referral is not necessary.

However, if you have one, please bring it with you as we work closely with referring doctors and other health professionals. You can book an appointment with us if you have any concerns that you would like to discuss with a physiotherapist.

We recommend that you confirm your insurance coverage.

We will check with your health insurance provider to determine if outpatient physical therapy services are covered under your plan.

This will depend on the individual and what the injury is, but it may not be necessary.

It may be that you will just have to modify your training and activities. It is important that you talk to Rob and Jeff about what you do during the initial session so they can advise you what is appropriate for your recovery and what isn’t.


If you’re concerned about anything that was discussed in your appointment or have any questions for us, please contact us by phone, email or call in. Rob and Jeff will be happy to talk to you and discuss your concern.

To be a physiotherapist in Australia you must have a bachelor’s degree or higher qualification.

After completing this, to be able to practice, you must then register with the Physiotherapy Board of Australia and meet their specified registration standards and codes like ongoing training and keeping up to date with new treatments.  We are also a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association.

It is important that you wear comfortable clothes to your appointment.

Please keep in mind the location of your injury, for example for back pain you might wear a loose shirt, or for leg pain you would be best not to wear jeans. You won’t be asked to remove ALL of your clothes, and Rob and Jeff will work with you to make sure you are always comfortable will what you are asked to do.

Yes, you can.

You do not need to ask permission for someone to come with you. If you are in the waiting room with a friend or family member, we will ask if you would like them to join you in the treatment room. If you don’t, they are welcome to wait for you in the reception.


We want to help you optimise your health so you can perform at your best.

Visit us now at our Greenwood Physiotherapy Clinic!

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