Book a Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage in Westminster or Duncraig

Book a massage today with our in-house therapist Jack Sutton. Jack has over 15 years of experience in the field of massage.

Jacks’ interest in massage began when she was very young, helping friends and family members with their headaches and shoulder tension. She formalised her passion by obtaining her first massage qualification in Swedish Massage in 2004.

Since then she has had many hours of hands-on experience in clinic settings and in 2014 attained her Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice. She offers experience from a wide range of capacities, including sports and injury massage, for both acute and chronic pain.

Jack’s pursuit of excellence has led her to recently add to her qualifications and they now include a Certification in Holistic Therapy, Hot Stone massage, Luxury Spa Facials, Deep Tissue/Trigger Point, Myofascial Cupping Technique, and Reflexology.

You will find that Jack takes the time to listen to your symptoms first and then she will listen to your muscles. Exploring the why’s and different options and soft tissue in order to relieve your pain and discomfort.

What is Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage is a type of therapeutic massage that is designed to address specific musculoskeletal problems or injuries. It uses various techniques to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia, to promote healing and reduce pain and discomfort.

The primary goal of remedial massage is to identify the root cause of the problem and to treat it directly, rather than simply addressing the symptoms. This may involve assessing the client’s posture, range of motion, and muscle strength, as well as performing specific massage techniques to release tension and improve circulation.

 How can Remedial Massage Help?

Remedial massage is often recommended for individuals who have sustained injuries or are dealing with chronic pain or tension. It can also be helpful for athletes who need to improve their performance or recover from training or competition.


Overall, remedial massage is a targeted and effective form of massage therapy that can help to alleviate pain and promote healing in the body. It is often used in conjunction with other therapies, such as physiotherapy to achieve optimal results.

Remedial Massage is available at 2 locations

Duncraig & Westminster

60 minutes Remedial Massage $95

90 minutes Remedial Massage $130