
Does your balance need to be improved?

The Department of Health and Age Care, Western Australia, define balance as the “ability to be able to maintain your…

4 months ago

The importance of strengthening exercises before surgery

More surgeries are being performed each year, influenced by the ageing population. It is a fairly safe assumption that you…

5 months ago

Do you have foot pain?

What is plantar fasciitis? A common cause of foot or heel pain is plantar fasciitis. This often painful and debilitating…

6 months ago

Do you have pain in your lower back?

There are many causes as to why people get lower back pain. One common reason is the facet joint. The…

7 months ago

Do you have hip pain?

Pain in the hip region is a very common presentation. There are many causes of hip pain, a frequent presentation…

7 months ago

Do you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

As defined by the Western Australian Department of Health, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a disorder of the hand caused by…

1 year ago

Prostate Cancer and Physiotherapy

The Cancer Council of Australia defines prostate cancer as when abnormal cells develop in the prostate gland and grow in…

1 year ago

Could Orthotics benefit you?

As stated by the Australian Podiatry Association, each foot has 25% of the bones in the body, 26 bones, 33…

1 year ago

Do you have Urinary Incontinence?

The Continence Foundation of Australia defines urinary incontinence as a very common condition that can range from the occasional leakage…

2 years ago

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

Have you heard about Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV? Anyone who has experienced its awful symptoms of rocking and…

2 years ago